• November 30, 2018
  • By betmaninggar world


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 Early Marriage is the marriage between two people who are still under the age of 18 years, but it still dependent on their parents. According to UUD No. 1 of 1974, marriage is physically and mentally bond between  man and woman as husband and wife with the intention of  forming a family (household) were happy and everlasting based on God. Early marriage is one of the social phenomena that occurs in this world, especially for the university students. In 2014, Sekretaris Jenderal Perserikatan BangsaBangsa (PBB)  recommends the specific targets in the Development Goals Sustainable post-2015 to remove the early marriage. It is because there are more evidences to show the magnitude scale of the increase in the numbers of early marriage. In Indonesia, it shows that among ever married women aged 20-24 years, 25 percent were married before the age of 18 years. According to the Survei Sosial dan Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas), it conducted by the “Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)” in 2012. Early marriage is a marriage under the age should not ready yet to do the wedding (Nukman, 2009). It is because the children are still minors and do not have enough mental well. They also often experience mental shock because they have a mental attitude that is unstable and immature emotions. Besides, they are still not ready for morally responsible. In terms of health, couples young age can affect the high rate of maternal mortality, infant mortality and low impact on the health of mothers and children. Therefore, early marriage for university students is better to be restricted.
Some people argue that early marriage is one of way to prevent Zina. However, this idea cannot go further than being an immature claim because actually early marriage can make the woman feel lose out, and for university can also make the students do not continue their study. For example, if the man dont have permanent job and still do their study, it can makes the man feel confused and stress. The man should be dispart between their job, family and study, Mostly many man’s leave their study and focus on their job and family. Thats are influence for their marriage.
Others people said that early marriage for university students is better than dating. That is not true.  it is proven by UNICEF statement, they said that the women who marry at an early age have a higher risk for anxiety, depression, or have thoughts of suicide. In part, because they dont have the status, power, support, and control over their own lives. Besides, the young bride had a greater chance of experiencing physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional, and social isolation, which is a result of their lack of status and power in their households. Then, based on survey data BKKBN in 2012, the number of married women aged 10-14 in Indonesia by 4.2 percent. While married women aged 15-19 years by 41.8 percent. So the total of married women under 20 years is 45 percent. Very high. It is true that early marriage can create many population.
It is clear that marriage is not good thing for university students. Because, it is related to woman’s health. According to medical science, that gave birth at age less than 20 years old and over 35 years of a high risk. Pregnant women under the age of 20 years often have prematurity likely congenital defects, physical or mental, blindness and deafness. Like Dr. Suparyanto explained that early marriage can affect the maternal and infant mortality. So, it is very dangerous for woman who wants to marriage before 18 years old.
In addition, early marriage has many disadvantage for university students. The first is vulnerable to domestic violence, health risks, the risk of death, and the breaking of education. To prevent the increasing number of early marriages, BKKBN will continue to expand socialize the danger of early marriage. Including asking the role of the media to disseminate this information. Empowering girls can prevent the early marriage.
All in all, early marriage is not a good thing for university students and it has many disadvantages for them if they are not ready to do it. Ihsan, (2008) said that “early marriage is a marriage that is still vulnerable and not yet stable, the level of independence is still low and easy to divorce. Therefore, we should think twice before we do early marriage and make a commitment for ourselves.

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